Sunday, April 27, 2008

Cute Little Nose

We had a very thorough ultrasound at the hospital yesterday to determine ("guestimate) Jackson's weight for the delivery. The technician had been working a long and hard shift and it had just calmed down so she decided to have fun with our ultrasound! She took her time and showed us SO much about Baby Jackson. We walked out with 6 pictures of him. This is one of my favorite pictures because you can see his lips and nose- she said he had a cute nose. I thought he looked like he was crying- can babies cry inside the womb? She also told us that there were some areas where we had less than 3 centimeters of skin (my skin) between him and us, which makes sense why I can feel his little foot and butt so well right now.
So- the countdown is still on. I'm so excited to meet this little guy, and I'm so excited to have my body back eventually. It has been a very hard week between my swollen feet, aching legs and pounding headache. And my mom keeps telling me that this is the easiest part of parenting :)

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