Thursday, September 11, 2008

9-11, Seven Years Later

This is the my second year teaching Kindergarten where the kids were not alive during the 9-11 terrorists attacks on our country. I maintain that this is an important part of our countries history and each year I take extreme delicate precautions to introduce this peice of history to 5 year olds. I always begin by reading the story, Fireboat to my class and then explaining that this was a real story, and that it really happened. There are always some scared eyes and some confused, but this year I was really touched by the conversation that developed and thought I would share it with you.
"Mrs. Rife- why did those planes fly into those buildings?"
"Because, honey, some men made some bad choices."
"But, why?"
"Because they were angry."
"Who were they angry at?"
"Well, they were angry with America."
"Did they want to hurt us?"
"Yes they did."
"But why didn't they use their words?"
"I wish they'd just use their words to talk."
"Ya- using your words is better."
(this is when my eyes became teary because of the sweetness and sincerity in their voices)
"Were you sad when this happened Mrs. Rife?"
"Yes. I was sad to see so many people hurt and sad, but I touched by seeing America be a family. We looked to help one another after that horrible thing happened. We were nicer drivers and we had kind things to say. I was proud of America on that day."
"Well, I just wish it hadn't happened is all. Hopefully those men will use their words next time."
This was a memorable conversation. Thank you Room 13 for "keepin' it real" for me on this 9-11.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are trying to make me cry, aren't you? Well done, Mrs Rife. I would be proud to have you teach any of my kids. You are amazing!! Love you, K