Monday, March 3, 2008

Two Ships Passing In the Night

Things have been very busy for the Rife's in Chicago lately. We certainly feel like two ships passing in the night now that Matt has started working 3:30pm-12:30am Monday-Friday. We pretty much see one another on the weekends, but we are making the best of it- TEAM RIFE! I usually wake up and watch TV with him for a bit around 1:30am when he gets home and he's been getting up to get my car in the morning so that we can say hello and goodbye (kisses!) It's been rough, don't get me wrong, but we have managed to make it better than I thought it was going to be. God is good.
A couple of weeks ago we had a little scare when I had pre-term contractions and had to go to the hospital. While it hadn't gotten to the point where it was pre-term labor, it was still a little frightening. Apparently I had worked too hard and too much that week (it was conferences week at school) and I was dehydrated. Every thing's fine now, but I had to tell my principal that I can't stay late after work anymore because I have to get home and get my feet up. She was very understanding, and I think I was more upset about it than she was. Our enrollment is projected to be down for next year so we are looking at possibly cutting a teacher or two and I'm the low man on the totem pole- again. So, I'm back keeping my eyes out for another job just in case. I'm just praying for a miracle- I really love this job and don't want to go anywhere. This has been a great year of teaching for me.
I have to go to the doctor every two weeks now to check the baby's heart rate, etc. I had read that at this point in the pregnancy I should be monitoring the baby's movements twice a day, to make sure there were 14 movements in a two hour period. So, I asked the doctor if I should be monitoring now and she laughed. "With that baby? Wouldn't you lose count?" she asked :) We have a very active baby. Last time I actually counted it was 14 times in 10 minutes, so I'm just not that worried. Apparently the baby already has mom's energy and vigor. Hopefully he or she will have Dad's patience and good looks!
Apparently the weather's been cold in Chicago this winter- I hadn't noticed. I have been cold every day of my life for as long as I can remember, and now pregnancy has brought on a whole new outlook on life. I have been SO hot this winter. Our neighbors downstairs are elderly and keep their heat very high, so Matt and I have the windows open and a $17 gas bill. I'm sure he's a lot more comfortable now that I'm pregnant because I always keep the place so hot!
I think that's all for now. I hope everyone's well. We miss everyone in Seattle- come visit!!!

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