Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Jackson Showed His Stuff!!!!

We had to go to the birthing center at the hospital this morning for more pre-term contractions. While that part wasn't fun and a little scary, what was great was when they had to do an ultrasound and I asked if they could try and see if the baby is a boy or a girl. We got a clear shot of his "stuff" and there is no mistaking this little guy- he's his daddy's boy through and through! :) Matt started smiling and I started crying. Then they showed us his beautiful little face (seen in the picture on the left) and then I really couldn't stop crying. So- blue it is! We are glad that the "Pee-Pee Tee-Pees" Uncle Dave bought are going to be put to good use :) No wee-sprinkling in this mama's face!


BobLobLaw said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so proud of Jackson for showing off his "stuff"!

Unknown said...

A boy?! I can't wait to meet little Jackson. Maybe I can find him a little blue beret ;)