Thursday, February 10, 2011

We're All Growing and Learning

Matt was underway (gone at sea) this week and I, for some reason, took that to be a perfect time to potty-train Jackson. Granted, all the parenting books say to avoid transitional times and that you should stay home for two-weeks straight to help your little one learn to listen to his body, but instead I took him to Sea World on Day 1 of our big attempt! Then on Day 3 I took him to the Zoo, in our brand new stroller! At one point I was carrying Jackson under one arm, pushing the stroller and running through a crowded monkey-observation-exhibit, all the while screaming, "Pee-pee emergency! Pee-pee emergency!" People without kids rolled their eyes as they had to dodge me, while others with young children smiled knowingly or chuckled at how ridiculous I looked. Either way, we stayed dry through both trips, and I do mean we as I later told my grandmother over email, "He may be learning, but I am being schooled through all of this!"
I had been interested in potty-training Jackson for over six-months, but the fact remained that he was not ready yet, and the Lord used this time to teach me patience. My least favorite fruit of the Spirit to learn, but always a lesson well-learned when it's over. It may seem silly that God would use something as insignificant as "poopoo and peepee" to help me learn how little control I truly have, but I thought it quite applicable and appropriate. After all, "stuff" happens and how are we going to react when it does? Are we going to scream and throw a tantrum and shake our fist in anger? Or are we going to take a deep breath and have another go? God doesn't give up on us when we miss our goal or forget to listen to the signs, just as we don't give up on our little children when they are learning something new. To God, I may as well be a two-year-old-potty-training-Ninja, because I have plenty of accidents and need just as much hand-holding through life.